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  • Filter Oli Kompresor Udara

Filter Oli Kompresor Udara

UDOF Series

  • Industri:


Filter oli kompresor udara memisahkan partikel terkecil seperti debu dan partikel yang timbul dari keausan logam sehingga melindungi sekrup kompresor udara dan memperpanjang masa pakai oli pelumas dan separator.

Kirim Inquiry

UCS compressor oil filter selects HV brand ultra-fine glass fibre composite filter or pure wood pulp filter paper as raw Materia. This improved filter replacement has excellent waterproof and is resistant to corrosion; it still maintains the original performance when mechanical, thermal and climate changes.

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The pressure-resistant shell of the fluid filter can accommodate the fluctuated working pressure between compressor loading and unloading.

High-grade rubber seal ensures that the connection part is tight and won’t leak.

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Air Compressor Oil Filter Specifications:

Filtration Precision 5μm-25μm

Service life: ≥ 2000h

Bypass valve opening pressure: 2.5Bar

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